STV Inducts 2019 Officers
We can’t believe we’re already wrapping up the first month of 2019! As is every year, it’s shaping up to be a busy one. S.T.V. Bavaria is lucky enough to have some wonderful leaders that serve as our Vorstand for the 2019 calendar year:
Vorstand Kenny Ott
2. Vorstand Jakob Hamlescher
Treasurer Todd Kerslake
Corresponding Secretary Stefanie Huffman
Recording Secretary Heidi Rock
1. Chorleiterein Ursula Keck
2. Chorleiterein Hertha Hetzel
1. Vorplattler Kyle Ott
1. Vortänzerein Christine Ott
2. Vorplattler Brent Miller
2. Vortänzerein Jenny Burnett
Trustee Marianne Buechler
Trustee Paul Beargie
Trustee Jeremy Laning
Trustee Rainer Wiewel