Summer time for the S.T.V. family usually means a hiatus from practices and performances, but everyone is always looking forward to August. With August comes the cooler weather, shorter days, and our Friday night practices resume. It also brings us some of our favorite end of Summer events: our Annual Cub Picnic, Sommer Oktoberfest and new this year, our Pig Roast with our Patenkind, GTEV D’Lustigen Isartaler. As this summer comes to a close, we are looking forward to a busy Fall! Our Annual Bierfest is just around the corner and before you know it, we’ll be preparing for our 2020 Bunter Nachmittag and Bratwurstessen! We hope the close of Summer brings you as many fond memories and joy as it’s brought us, and we can’t wait to see you this Fall!